
Below you will find some of our references:


Ed Classens works with nanobubbles in his water

"Biostimulants better absorbed by higher oxygen levels"

Horti Daily | 14 februari 2022

Now that chemical crop protection agents are increasingly being restricted, growers are looking for alternative ways to protect their crops. Among them is Ed Classens of VieVerde Nursery, with 1.5 hectares of strawberries and 5 hectares of cucumbers. A year and a half ago, he started testing the Pro-Vida, Aquamar's nanobubble generator. Ed talks about his experiences so far.

Stouten Cucumber Nursery

From babbling brook to nanobubbles at Corné Stouten

Groentenieuws | 23 november 2020 | The article is translated from Dutch

Tholen - In Oosterland in Zeeland (The Netherlands), Corné Stouten grows cucumbers on 21,000 m². He believes in the power of the plant. This topic comes back to him daily. As long as a plant is resilient enough, it can prevent many pests and diseases.

4Evergreen Terneuzen

Pepper nursery 4Evergreen has a Pro-Vida running in the greenhouse in Terneuzen. Trade magazine Onder Glas has written an article about this.

The Dutch article can be read via this link: Article Onder Glas


Tom Ammerlaan (Themato) about Pro-Vida:

"No more plant stress because of oxygen deficiency in water"

Horti Daily | 2 October 2019

Oxygen is something that nobody can do without. Humans, animals and plants could not live without oxygen. Plants and flowers in the greenhouse need oxygen at the roots. Sufficient oxygen contributes to the water and nutrient intake of the roots so that the quality of the plant is improved and the plant can defend itself more effectively against pathogenic fungi. Maarten Kramer, Aquamar: "The ideal way to bring extra oxygen to the roots is through the irrigation water. The problem in greenhouse horticulture is that sufficient oxygen is measured in the water in the basin, but at the dripper the oxygen content is too low. At higher temperatures, for example in the summer, the oxygen content, even in the basin, is already too low."

Other references

Below you will find some of our references:

  • Interjensen B.V.
    This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
    Bathpolderweg 33
    4411 RT Rilland
    The Netherlands

  • MTS Schot-Rutten
    Noordermeerweg 41
    8313 PV Rutten
    The Netherlands


Aquamar Disinfection Products
Foksdiep 61
8321 MK URK
The Netherlands
+31527-688 336

